In our last post, we discussed a little secret for researching keywords easily and inexpensively. Today, here’s another tip for developing a strong keyword list: (Click on the headline for more…)
Easier Split-Testing On Google AdWords
AdWords advertisers have long been able to split-test two or more ads against each other. Split-testing other variables — like bid amounts, match types and keyword variations — hasn’t been as easy … (Click on the headline for more…)
A Sensible Way to Test Google AdWords Content Network
Most Google AdWords advertisers know that their ads can show in two types of places: the Google Search Network and the Google Content Network. With the Content Network, AdWords ads appear on informational sites when Google deems an advertiser’s search term to be relevant. There are two perils of advertising on the Content Network: (Click on the headline for more…)
AdWords Match Types: The Best of Both Worlds
Most Google AdWords users recognize that Broad Match reaches the widest audience, but often generates a lot of unqualified traffic. Conversely, Exact Match reaches fewer prospects, but generally more qualified ones.
Broad Match can be helpful in identifying search terms you may not have thought of. Do you have to pay for a lot of unqualified traffic just to get the benefit of that research? Not at all!
What many people don’t realize… (Click on the headline for more…)
Google AdWords Beta Tests New Type of Ad
Have you noticed ads with images popping up recently in the Sponsored Links served up by Google AdWords? Google is beta testing a new type of ad, called (Click on the headline for more…)