The optimum length for an email subject line is a topic of much controversy. A wide variety of variables affects how your subject line displays in any given instance: (Click on the headline for more…)
What Mobile Marketing Means For Your Email Subject Lines
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, the stupendous growth of smartphones comes as no surprise. By the end of 2010, 60.2 million Americans used them regularly, according to a report by eMarketer. They anticipate the trend to continue, projecting a 21.9% increase in 2011. I’ve seen other projections that make that number look conservative.
As a result, website owners have focused attention on how their websites display on mobile devices, and have started to get up to speed on ecommerce. Yet I’ve seen little to no discussion of mobile’s impact on email marketing. Consider this: (Click on the headline for more…)
Surprising Results From An Email Subject Line Test
The September issue of our Let’s Grow enewsletter discussed Best and Worst Subject Lines Compared. In it, I cited a somewhat counterintuitive study of open rates by email service provider MailChimp. Their survey suggested that non-descript email subject lines might actually be more powerful than traditional “teaser” or other sales copy. I decided to see for myself, and tested it on our own enewsletter, with a promise to report the results in this blog. (Click on the headline for more…)
Hardworking Email Subject Lines
In my last blog post, I reviewed examples of email subject lines that did not encourage recipients to open. Here, from the other end of the spectrum, are examples of subject lines from gardening companies that work well: (Click on headline for more…)