In our last post, we discussed some best practices for maximizing email sign-ups on your website. Today, we have suggestions for 10 more places to promote email list growth. (Click on the headline for more…)
How to Grow Your Email List, Part 1
Recently, a lot of companies have been asking about growing their email list. It’s one of the best ways to leverage your marketing efforts, as it costs virtually no more to email 100,000 subscribers as it does 1,000.
Astonishingly, most companies miss one opportunity after another to increase their email list. In this two-part series, we’ll offer some suggestions for changing that. (Click on the headline for more…)
Grow Your Email Marketing List
I’m frequently asked for advice on growing email marketing lists. The first thing I look at is the email signup box on the company’s web site. An astounding percentage ignore some basic principles…