With an increasing number of consumers shying away from credit cards, more and more companies are investigating alternative payment systems. Not only do such payment options reduce or eliminate merchant fees, but they also increase sales. (Click on headline for more…)
Another New Payment Option That May Help Capture More Sales
Our last post discussed Bill Me Later, a payment option growing in popularity as credit card use declines. Another possibility to consider is eBillMe, which is designed for the 84 million online banking users in the United States. eBillMe allows users to pay cash onlne while keeping their financial information private. After selecting the eBillMe option, buyers log on to their bank’s website to pay for their transaction as they would any other bill.
Merchants benefit from lower transaction fees of 1% to 2%, and no fraud liability. (Click on headline for more…)
Should You Offer This New Payment Option?
Popular new payment option Bill Me Later is aimed at consumers who are reluctant to use credit cards online, but who consider PayPal too much of a hassle. Recently acquired by eBay/Paypal, Bill Me Later ranked #6 on the 2007 Inc 500 list of fastest growing private companies in America. (Click on headline for more…)
Alternative Payment Systems Capture More Sales
I was recently talking with a group of local merchants, and every one reported a recent shift in how consumers prefer to pay. As credit becomes harder to come by and consumers tighten their belts, merchants are noticing a trend away from credit cards and towards cash. That works for retail stores, but what’s a direct marketer to do? (Click on headline for more…)