It’s surprisingly common for companies to be mystified as to what their marketing goals should be. To point them in the right direction, we start by asking these questions: (Click on the headline for more…)
Courting the Casual and Reluctant Gardener
As an industry, we spend a lot of time talking about courting younger gardeners, but I don’t see many companies doing it very well. It’s not simply a matter of taking the same message and product mix from offline media to online and social media. Selling successfully to younger gardeners… (Click on the headline for more…)
A Different Reason For Building Your Facebook Presence
At the IGC Show last week, I talked with one exhibitor who had an unusual reason for building her Facebook following. (Click on the headline for more…)
A Devil’s Advocate View of Facebook Marketing
Every time I write about Facebook marketing, my site traffic jumps. Few topics generate as much interest. With 750 million active users worldwide, Facebook is a presence that can’t be ignored. But is it really deserving of as much credit as it receives as a marketing vehicle?
My simple answer to that question… (Click on the headline for more…)
Good Advice For Marketing To New and Non-Gardeners
I love the way garden industry retail sales consultant Ian Baldwin always makes important concepts so simple to grasp, and his column in the April 2011 issue of Garden Center magazine is no exception. Titled A Cry For Help: Show reluctant shoppers the benefits of gardening, the article provides a blueprint for winning more non-avid gardeners as customers. Baldwin offers suggestions for addressing the 7 main factors that, according to a National Gardening Association survey, “reluctant gardeners” say would encourage them to do more gardening:
(Click on the headline for more…)