If you publish an enewsletter and have a company Facebook page, are you doing everything possible to cross-promote them? Here are a few suggestions: (Click on the headline for more…)
Top 10 Small Business Facebook Pages
Creative inspiration often comes from watching what other industries do, and adapting their practices to fit your own circumstances. It’s with that outlook that I regularly review “top 10” or “top 100” lists, including Social Media Examiner’s recent Top 10 Small Business Facebook Pages.
Selected from 1,400 nominations, the winning companies were judged on their Facebook landing pages, engagement, reader involvement and creative use of promotions, among other things. Social Media Examiner’s blog post shows sample pages from all ten winners and specifies exactly what the judges liked. My personal favorites were these: (Click on the headline for more…)
A Different Reason For Building Your Facebook Presence
At the IGC Show last week, I talked with one exhibitor who had an unusual reason for building her Facebook following. (Click on the headline for more…)
A Devil’s Advocate View of Facebook Marketing
Every time I write about Facebook marketing, my site traffic jumps. Few topics generate as much interest. With 750 million active users worldwide, Facebook is a presence that can’t be ignored. But is it really deserving of as much credit as it receives as a marketing vehicle?
My simple answer to that question… (Click on the headline for more…)
Up-To-Date Help For Facebook Marketers
Some colleagues were recently bemoaning the fact that up-to-date help on Facebook marketing was so difficult to find, especially on Facebook itself. Even the Facebook Marketing for Dummies guide published a few short months ago was outdated within weeks when Facebook made massive changes to their system.
Well, Facebook does offer a number of resources that provide great information and inspiration – but they sure aren’t easy to find. Here are four links that may help you get up to speed: (Click on the headline for more…)