Do you plan your vacations better than you plan your marketing strategies? When I ask prospects about their marketing goals, it’s surprising how often I get an uncomfortable silence, followed by a vague version of “make more money.” That’s like saying that for your imminent vacation you’re going to “take a trip” without having any […]
Overcoming the Biggest Roadblock to Success
One of the best pieces of business advice I ever received was, “What you decide is almost never as important as simply deciding something.” In other words, don’t get paralyzed trying to make the perfect decision. Just forge ahead based on the best information you can. Chances are pretty good, it will work out. Chances are also […]
5 Ways to Grow Your Email Marketing List
Considering how inexpensive email marketing is, it’s surprising that companies don’t work harder to grow their email list. You can leverage your marketing efforts with virtually no extra cost, simply by growing your email list. Here are just a few suggestions for doing so: 1.Facebook Apps. You can install a Facebook app that allows people to […]
Is Your Home Page Doing Its Job?
Do you have the same conversation with someone who wanders into your trade show booth not knowing a thing about your company as you do with a customer of 20 years? Of course not. Yet that’s exactly what many companies try to do on their websites — and alienate half their audience in the process. […]
Content Marketing 101
How to Craft Content That Generates Leads and Closes Sales What’s the most successful marketing method today? Quite possibly, it’s content marketing. According to Target Marketing’s 2012 Annual Media Usage Survey, 62.2% of those surveyed plan on increasing their content marketing, making it the top new focus for 2012. Strong content marketing not only boosts search engine […]