What’s the first thing you do after you wake up? For millions of people, the answer is, “Pick up my phone and check my email.” Most smartphone owners — and that’s now most of us — use their phone to filter email on the fly. Read now, save for later, or delete. 69% of smartphone […]
Smart Ways to Target Facebook Advertising
While Facebook has always let you use “friends of fans” and demographic criteria to target your advertising, neither option guarantees that you’ll reach gardeners interested in what you sell. A more intelligent approach is to use Facebook’s relatively new “lookalike audiences” feature. You simply upload your email list to Facebook. Facebook uses data from Experian […]
The Easiest Way to Improve Google AdWords Results
Want a sure-fire way to raise your click-through rate on Google AdWords? If you’re not already using Ad Extensions, start! What are they, you ask? Ad Extensions offer prospects additional ways to interact with your company beyond clicking on the headline of your ad. They’re easy to set up, and they don’t cost any extra. […]
How to Make Videos That Drive Sales
Three factors are converging to spur a surge in video marketing: 1. Smartphones make filming video easy. 2. YouTube eliminates the headaches of video hosting. 3. Videos can drive a remarkable number of sales. Multiple surveys report that prospects who watch a video are 60% to 65% more likely to buy than those who do not. That makes […]
How and Why to Run a Facebook Photo Contest
If you’re like a lot of companies we know, you have plenty of photography that shows product details, but photos that bring personality to your marketing are harder to come by. Pictures of toddlers sniffing lilacs, welcoming cottage gardens, or happy gardeners harvesting huge tomatoes require the right conditions, staging and time. Thanks to Facebook, […]