Many people think that only companies with big media budgets can work deals that save them 50%, 70% or more. We repeatedly prove that theory wrong. One client recently came to us with a $15,000 test budget. They were floored when we were able to buy $97,413 worth of media for just $14,966. Here are […]
New Ways to Connect With Avid Gardeners
If you’ve never been to the web site, it’s time you paid it a visit. And if you have, you may still have missed multiple areas that can benefit your business. Here’s a guide to how Dave’s Garden can help you serve more customers better. What’s Dave’s Garden? The brainchild of Dave Whitinger, […]
Surprising Long-Term Impact of Discounting
The most popular feature in the last issue of Let’s Grow involved some surprising research from MIT on the long-term effects of how out-of-stock issues are handled. The same MIT group did some fascinating research on the long-term effects of discounting. The study compared the short and long term effects of offering shallow and deep discounts to […]
Trends and Opportunities in Paid Search
Biggest Online Growth. Online advertising continues its rapid increase, growing by 34% last year. By far the largest portion of online spending is devoted to paid search (pay-per-click), which now accounts for 42% of online advertising budgets. Click Fraud Concerns. Companies are becoming increasingly concerned about “click fraud” – repeated clicks by unscrupulous competitors or paid […]
Improving Customer Touchpoints
We’ve all seen business cards that look like miniature billboards. When done well, they can help distinguish a company from its competitors and encourage prospects to call. The extra cost is virtually nothing. Business cards, catalogs and brochures may be the first introduction prospects have to your company, but they’re just one part of the […]