With a growing percentage of orders placed online, your web site shopping cart has an ever-increasing impact on your bottom line. You may think of a shopping cart as the back end of an e-commerce web site, but many include fully integrated web sites with customizable design templates and the ability to integrate with your […]
Is Gardening a Dirty Word?
How to Market to a New Generation of Buyers Few pastimes are as old as mankind itself, but gardening is surely one. That fact may give the garden marketer a false sense of security. It’s natural to think of gardening as something that people will always do, by choice or necessity. And while certain plants […]
Helping Customers Get to “Yes”
Many catalogs and web sites offer so much information that it slows, rather than speeds the sale. Here are a few ways to help customers sort through the choices faster and make a buying decision. 1) Search by Feature. Bloom time, deer resistance, height, color, light requirements, fragrance…a daunting number of variables go into plant selection. The […]
Paid Search
A Practical Guide to Improving Results Are you running a paid search campaign (also known as pay-per-click advertising) on “set it and forget it” mode? If so, you might as well just shut it off and save your money. A successful paid search campaign requires attention to many details. Here are some of the most […]
Worthwhile Web Site Enhancements
In the early days of television, it took a while before advertisers fully embraced the new medium’s capabilities. Early TV ads commonly featured standup radio announcers talking to the camera. A few innovative advertisers led the pack in harnessing the power of television to demonstrate product. So it is with the Internet. Most catalogers have […]