Walk into any grocery store in America, and chances are you can find the produce, or the milk, or the bread pretty darn fast, without ever consulting a store directory. The reason isn’t your superior powers of navigation, but rather the fact that store layouts are fairly standard. Finding your way around becomes intuitive. If, […]
Selling With Emotion
How to Appeal to Your Buyer’s Heart Advertising appeals fall into two broad categories: the rational and the emotional. The rational relies on facts and figures, charts and graphs. The emotional relies on gut reactions – associations, good and bad, to things we’ve experienced in the past. It’s often said that people are sold because […]
5 Free Marketing Tools From Google
Google offers a host of free marketing tools that many people are unaware of. Here are several of our favorites. 1. Google Alerts Get an email notification when any phrase you specify is mentioned on the web. Use it to track what’s being said about your company, the competition, or a topic of interest. 2. […]
Do You Make These Mistakes in Catalog Design?
Catalogs are our face forward to the world, our sales force in customers’ mailboxes. Every choice we make in catalog design has an effect on sales, for good or ill. Improving catalog design isn’t simply a matter of aesthetics; it’s a matter of profits. In preparation for this month’s Let’s Grow, I reviewed several dozen gardening […]
Postcard Marketing Tips
Postcard mailings can be an effective supplement to a marketing program. All too frequently, however, postcard mailings fall flat because they try to do too much or fail to include key components. Here are a few suggestions that will increase your chances of success: Use a Single Focus. Postcards are NOT a substitute for a catalog […]