I’m frequently asked for advice on growing email marketing lists. The first thing I look at is the email signup box on the company’s web site. An astounding percentage ignore some basic principles…
Is Your Catalog Only Pulling Half Its Weight?
I’ve been having discussions with a prospective client about the various ways we can help them. He proudly sent their new catalog, a major undertaking after years of relying only on paid search for prospecting. The catalog has a lot going for it. The photos are clear, attractive, and show the products to best advantage. The layout is clean and readable. There’s a lot of technical information that’s organized in a neat, orderly fashion. Phone number and URL appear on every page. While it’s a fine job for an initial catalog, our prospective client has no idea how much more effective it could be. Being new to cataloguing, he understandably doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. For instance:
Time To Rethink Your Advertising Budget?
In the Summer 2008 issue of our newsletter, Let’s Grow, I argued that traditional catalogers better start embracing some new strategies if they expect to stay in business. Postage, paper and fuel costs coupled with the real possibility of “do not mail” legislation are stacking the decks against business-as-usual marketing. A recent report by Forrester […]
See You At The MGA Conference?
The summer conference of the Mailorder Gardening Association is just around the corner (July 15-18 in Colorado Springs), and I’m especially excited about the program. For starters, we’ll enjoy a return visit by Kip Creel of Standpoint Marketing Research. At the January conference, Kip dazzled us with an amazingly insightful presentation on marketing gardening products to younger buyers.
Here’s Help for the Technophobe
If you’re befuddled by terms like RSS feeds, podcasts, Twitter and wikis, do I have a resource for you!
Welcome to the Let’s Grow Blog
Let’s Grow, our newsletter of marketing tips for the gardening industry, remains one of the most effective things we’ve ever done to promote our company, Evergreen Marketing. The Let’s Grow Blog will regularly bring you more of the same: marketing tips and industry news in quick-reading bite-size chunks.