Many people assume that Google AdWords geographic targeting is strictly for local traffic. Not so. Rather, it can be used to target entire regional areas. For instance, you can: (Click on the headline for more…)
Make Your Postcard Mailings Work Harder
More and more companies are turning to postcards as a way to keep marketing on a reduced budget. Yet time and again, I see the non-address side of the card do all the heavy lifting, while the address side is almost always an afterthought.
But consider this: (Click on headline for more…)
Do You Make This Common Web Design Mistake?
Studies show that nearly one-third of all website visitors don’t scroll vertically. Yet few web designers consider what content they place “above the fold” when they’re creating web pages. Indeed, it’s common for web designers to work on oversized screens that don’t replicate the experience of most consumers at all.
Make sure your important navigation, “buy now” buttons, email signup form, search box and any other critical content appears above the fold, even when viewed on a 15” screen. Otherwise, you risk throwing away a huge percentage of your hard-won traffic.
Checklist for Improving Your Paid Search Ranking
If your run a Google AdWords campaign, it pays to take note of the Quality Score for each of your search terms, and work on improving any that are low. To determine your Quality Score, (Click on headline for more…)
Will Online Video Mean the Demise of SEO?
About a year ago, I asked my 22-year-old nephew for an explanation of some technological mystery. To my surprise, he didn’t know and suggested, “Let’s YouTube it.”
Being proud of how well I knew my way around Google (traditional text search, that is), I suddenly realized that my researching skills were becominig outmoded. (Click on the headline for more…)
An Easy Way to Get More Customer Product Reviews
Here’s a suggestion for generating more customer product reviews: (Click on the headline for more…)
Standing Out On a Lower Budget
Many companies go for bigger, bolder advertising in an attempt to stand out. Larger size ads and more elaborate packages may get more attention, but they also raise costs.
Sometimes taking a step in the other direction can work in your favor. For instance, we’ve found that black and white trade ads can be extremely effective when the product doesn’t require color. Not only do they cost less, but they generally jump off the page when they’re surrounded by a sea of color.
Some Good News For a Change
While trolling around the posts in Linked In’s Garden Centers, Nurseries and New Media group, I found a link to an interesting article titled When going gets tough, the tough get growing. Although nothing in the article is a huge surprise, it was nice to read about so many positive examples – a great antidote to the barrage of bad economic news of late. The article also includes a couple interesting reports on shifts companies have made in their marketing and merchandising. (Click on headline for link…)
When the “Huh?” Factor Works To Your Advantage
Every good direct marketer knows that a blind headline – one that elicits a “Huh?” reaction – kills sales. It may attract attention, as proponents suggest, but not the kind that makes the cash register ring.
I recently learned of one situation in which the “huh” factor works in your favor. (Click on the headline for more…)
Postal Regulation Update Site
If you’re wondering about upcoming changes in postal regulations, or are simply befuddled by current ones, (click on the headline for more…)