Although “free” is one of the most powerful words in an advertiser’s vocabulary, it’s long been avoided in email subject lines for fear of triggering spam filters. I’ve recently read that spam filters have loosened up on that score, although I haven’t dared test it myself yet. One of our clients recently did, with no ill effect. What’s been your experience?
Great Information on Online Video
If you use online video – or are thinking about doing so – have a look at ReelSEO. This robust site provides tips, information and other resources for video search optimization and online video marketing. You’ll find useful advice on all aspects of online video: video advertising, market research, industry news, analytics, production, and more. Well worth a visit!
Free Google Webmaster Tools
If you’re not already familiar with Google’s free Webmaster Tools, you might want to give them a test drive. They’ll help you: (Click on headline for more…)
Roll Out the Welcome Mat for New Customers
A hat tip to Stephen Lett of Lett Direct for this suggestion mentioned in one of his old Catalog Success columns: Include a special “new buyer” welcome in every package sent to first-time buyers. What better way to make newcomers feel appreciated, and for a tiny cost, too.
Analytics Come to Video
With online video gaining momentum as a marketing tool, the ability to know what is and isn’t working is increasing in importance. To that end, You Tube has introduced a free tool called Hot Spots that allows content providers to determine where video viewers leave, replay and fast forward each video. Results are compared to other videos of similar length. A great guide to learning what’s working and where your footage needs to be tweaked!
Paid Search Powers Ahead
Internet Retailer always does some interesting surveys, and this month’s one on search marketing is no exception. Some of the highlights: (Click on the headline for more…)
An Important Difference in Business-to-Business Advertising
Many of our clients have both a wholesale and retail component to their business. When creating their business-to-business advertising, there’s always one extra wrinkle that usually takes some finesse. (Click on headline for more…)
Search Engine Optimization for the Non-Techie
Whether you handle your own search engine optimization, or you outsource it, or you ignore it altogether, it helps to at least understand the basics of what helps a website rank high in the search engines. (Click on the headline for more…)
A Systematic Method for Choosing the Best Keywords
Recently three clients have sent me lists of keywords that they were planning to use in pay-per-click campaigns and/or to optimize their websites for. In all three cases, I wondered how they happened to settle on the particular search terms they chose.
If there’s one thing that direct response testing teaches us, it’s that people often don’t act exactly how we expect them to. (Click on the headline for more…)
New Payment Options Offer More Ways to Lower Costs
With an increasing number of consumers shying away from credit cards, more and more companies are investigating alternative payment systems. Not only do such payment options reduce or eliminate merchant fees, but they also increase sales. (Click on headline for more…)