When writing headlines, subject lines and opening paragraphs, here’s a tool I find invaluable. (Click on the headline for more…)
Free Tool Helps Spot Trends
One of Google’s many little-known free tools, Google Trends, helps you see both trends and seasonality in your market. (Clcik on the headline for more…)
Paid Search Pulls Through in a Recession
Internet Retailer recently surveyed a wide spectrum of marketers on the performance of various types of marketing since the recession hit last year. Interestingly, 42% of companies surveyed reported that paid search outperformed other forms of marketing, while 36% said it was on a par with others. One possible reason why: (Click on the headline for more…)
Keep an Eye on Your 12-Month Buyer Count
When planning marketing and circulation strategies, one of my first questions is the size of a company’s 12-month buyer file. I’m always surprised at how frequently company owners don’t know this critical piece of information. In addition, it’s important to know (Click on the headline for more…)
How Do Your Website Priorities Compare?
It’s becoming easier and easier for smaller companies to find online service providers that fit their budget. As that happens, website priorities shift. A recent study by Forrester Research and Shop.org reported that online retailers with sales under $10 million ranked the following as top website priorities for 2009: (Click on the headline for more…)
Weeding Out the Bargain Hunters
I just came across an interesting method for weeding out bargain hunters who reach your web site through paid search. (Click on the headline for more…)
How’s Your Company Elevator Speech?
I’m flying back from the Independent Garden Center Show, skimming through the company descriptions in the show guide, and I’m astonished. In a shocking percentage of the writeups, I have to read all the way to the end to figure out what the company does – and in some cases, I still don’t know! Here’s just one typical example: (Click on the headline for more…)
Video Recording Made Easy
If you’re venturing into marketing with video but are intimidated by technology, check out Flip Video. An easy-to-use point-and-shoot video camcorder, Flip Video produces recordings designed for direct conversion to DVD. Just record, edit with its drag-and-drop software, and upload to your web site, YouTube, or insert in an email. (Click on the headline for more…)
Business Lessons From Triathlon Training
I’m on a high from the sprint distance triathlon I just completed, my first ever. During one of my workouts before the tri, I realized how many parallels there are between running a business and successfully completing a tri. For instance: (Click on the headline for more…)
Keeping Your Emails Out of the Spam Filter
Incorrect spam filter classification can affect your email open and click-through rates significantly – some reports say by as much as 20%. To minimize such problems, here are a few steps you can take: (Click on the headline for more…)