Many entrepreneurs are so close to their own companies that it’s hard to perceive them through customers’ eyes. Two cases in point that I’ve encountered this week: (Click on the headline for more…)
Can You Adapt These Facebook Strategies?
Companies with the most success on Facebook are those that find a way to reward people for becoming fans and keep them coming back regularly. For some interesting promotional ideas, have a look at 1-800-Flowers. Their recently introduced Friday Floral Ambush invites Facebook fans to enter a weekly contest by specifying which arrangement under $49.99 […]
Email Trends to Keep an Eye On
While you’re busy ramping up your email marketing, don’t let the world pass you by. A recent study by Pew Internet & American Life Project shows that, while 91% of all US adults use email, it’s losing ground among younger generations. (Click on the headline for more…)
Don’t Depend on Default Messages
Most of the time, routine tasks like placing an order, signing up for an enewsletter or requesting a catalog generate a confirmation or “thank you” message. Whether such default messages are part of your software package or were implemented by your webmaster, they can almost always benefit from further attention. (Click on the headline for more…)
Not All Leads Are Created Equal
It’s common for companies to treat everyone who requests more information exactly alike. Some mail them as often as they do their buyers. Others send information once and never again. Usually the best profitable option requires further investigation. (Click on the headline for more…)
Surprising Results: How You Type Your URL Matters
When space is at a premium, my designer often argues that we can eliminate the “www” in the URL; I usually resist doing so. I just came across some evidence that supports my instinct. (Click on the headline for more…)
Need an Affordable, Robust Customer Review System?
Here’s good news for small businesses looking for affordable customer review software with some powerful bells and whistles. (Click on the headline for more…)
Penetrating Customer Insights From 3 Simple Questions
Clients sometimes tell me they’re interested in doing a customer survey, but don’t know what to ask. From Fred Reicheld’s book The Ultimate Question: Driving Good Profits and True Growth comes three of the best questions anyone could ask their customers: (click on the headline for more…)
What Your Copywriter Needs to Know
Pat Friesen writes a very good column on copywriting (you’d expect that of a copywriter, wouldn’t you?) in Target Marketing. When recently sorting through my backlog of reading, I came across her article in the March 2009 issue on (click on the headline for more…)
Bounced Email Basics
Many companies upload their email marketing list once, and forget about it forever more. But if you repeatedly ignore bounced emails, it could cost you in the long run. (click on the headline for more…)