I just returned from the NEMOA (New England Mailorder Association) conference, which featured some excellent programming on “Selling to the New Consumer.” Many of the sessions had a common theme. At the risk of over-generalizing, the consensus among the speakers seemed to be: (Click on the healdine for more…)
How to Identify the Shoppers Among the Searchers
A lot of companies spend a lot of money chasing very broad search terms in an effort to reach a larger market. The problem is the majority of searchers aren’t imminent potential buyers, so it can be easy to waste a lot of money this way. When refining your keyword list (Click on the headline for more…)
The Key to Establishing Trust in Social Media
A fundamental part of the sales process always involves establishing trust. While that’s often easier face-to-face, catalogers and online merchants still have plenty of tools to rely on: guarantees, testimonials, customer reviews, knowledgeable sales reps, product comparisons, the depth of information provided.
In social media, there’s one vital element in establishing trust that many marketers ignore. (Click on the headline for more…)
A Nifty Keyword Research Tool
Wow! I just stumbled across yet another Google tool that’s enormously helpful, both in generating new keyword ideas and in refining searches. (Click on the headline for more…)
An Often Overlooked Influence On Email Open Rates
I’ve blogged about the importance of preview panes in the past, but a recent email I received suggested it might be time to mention it again. (Click on the headline for more…)
Change One Word and Get Results
In our enewsletter this week, 10 Tips For Writing More Effective Copy, I mentioned the importance of using specifics: exact numbers, particular examples, and case histories. It reminded me of an experience I’ve had with grocery stores that still makes me chuckle. (Click on the headline for more…)
Where Are Your Best Prospects Concentrated?
Google is full of useful tools if you know where to find them. Here’s one that can help you learn more about your potential customers and improve your pay-per-click results. (Click on the headline for more…)
Keeping Up With New Technology
If it feels like the world is speeding up, that’s because it is. I just came across the following statistics on how many years it took each of the following to reach 50 million users: (Click on the headline for more…)
Choose Your Email Links Carefully
When creating an email campaign, most people give little thought to the wording of the specific text they link on. But consider this: (Click on the headline for more…)
Fascinating Facebook Facts
I just read a summary of a fascinating study by ForeSee Results titled The Key to Driving Retail Success with Social Media. ForeSee surveyed 10,000 visitors to 40 of the biggest online retail sites (as defined by Internet Retailer’s 2009 Top 500 Guide) to determine how online shoppers interact with retailers via social media. Among their findings: (Click on the headline for more…)