AdWords advertisers have long been able to split-test two or more ads against each other. Split-testing other variables — like bid amounts, match types and keyword variations — hasn’t been as easy … (Click on the headline for more…)
Is This a Larger Traffic Source Than Facebook?
I recently came across an old article (Dec. 2008) about cataloger King Arthur Flour that mentioned a surprising fact: At the time, their largest source of referred traffic to their website, and third largest overall, was from (Click on the headline for more…)
New Survey Reports Encouraging Trends in the Gardening Market
Have we been worrying too hard about the unpopularity of gardening among younger generations? Perhaps, according to a recent study by the Garden Writers Association Foundation. Its recently released 2010-2011 Winter Gardening Trends Research Report indicates includes some heartening news. For instance, (Click on the headline for more…)
What Mobile Marketing Means For Your Email Subject Lines
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, the stupendous growth of smartphones comes as no surprise. By the end of 2010, 60.2 million Americans used them regularly, according to a report by eMarketer. They anticipate the trend to continue, projecting a 21.9% increase in 2011. I’ve seen other projections that make that number look conservative.
As a result, website owners have focused attention on how their websites display on mobile devices, and have started to get up to speed on ecommerce. Yet I’ve seen little to no discussion of mobile’s impact on email marketing. Consider this: (Click on the headline for more…)
A Simple Request That Can Boost Your Sales
I’ve always disliked shopping in retail stores, and consequently, I’m a cataloger’s dream. I save every catalog I get, filed alphabetically in one of several portable bins I keep expressly for that purpose. With all the catalog shopping I do, I’m flabbergasted that I’m almost never asked for one of the most important things a cataloger can ask for: (Click on the headline for more…)
Setting Up a Mobile-Only AdWords Campaign
If you’re running an AdWords campaign, chances are that it’s running with the default option to show it on “all devices.” Few people realize that other options are available: (Click on the headline for more…)
A Treasure Trove of Offers to Test
We’ve all heard over and over how important the offer is to making a sale. But to most people, an offer is nothing more than “Buy A at B price,” or “Buy A at C price, a XX% discount off the regular B price.”
There are many offers that are far more profitable than discounts, and unfortunately, they’re rarely used. Years ago, renowned copywriter Dean Rieck, then a columnist for DM News, devoted several columns to suggesting dozens of different types of offers. I’ve misplaced my copy of it, so I was delighted to find a similar list on his blog: 60 powerful offers proven to make sales.
The comprehensive list is divided into no less than 9 different categories: (Click on the headline for more…)
A Surprise in Recent Consumer Gardening Trends
Ball Horticulture’s recent study of consumer trends in gardening has been getting a fair amount of publicity lately. Of the 20 trends cited, one in particular took me by surprise: (Click on the headline for more…)
A Simple Way to Reduce Your Return Rate Significantly
Here’s a tip gleaned from the recent webinar a on 40 Tips to Improve Margin & Profitability sponsored by the Direct Gardening Association. Presenter George Mollo of GJM Associates pointed out that it’s wise to (click on the headline for more…)
A Clever Idea For Choosing Products For Catalog Covers
Last week, the Direct Gardening Association hosted an excellent webinar on 40 Tips to Improve Margin & Profitability. Presenters Gina Valentino of Hemisphere Marketing and George Mollo of GJM Associates offered up a fast-paced series of money-making and money-saving tips on marketing, inventory management, creative, offers and much more.
One clever suggestion from Gina on choosing which products to feature on your catalog covers: (Click on the headline for more…)