Customer surveys are one of the most helpful marketing tools around. What’s more, most people are delighted to know that you value their opinion, and are happy to give you feedback. There are many ways to use surveys, including: 1. Customer Satisfaction Asking your customers how happy they are with your products and service is […]
Tips On Selling To New Gardeners
For years, I’ve heard colleagues lament how few young people take up gardening, and puzzle over what to do about it. Well, here’s good news: Young people are gardening. A Garden Writers Association shows that 64% of those under 40 do garden, growing flowers, vegetables and herbs, and trees and shrubs in equal numbers. Here’s the bad […]
Top 10 Small Business Facebook Pages
Creative inspiration often comes from watching what other industries do, and adapting their practices to fit your own circumstances. It’s with that outlook that I regularly review “top 10” or “top 100” lists, including Social Media Examiner’s recent Top 10 Small Business Facebook Pages.
Selected from 1,400 nominations, the winning companies were judged on their Facebook landing pages, engagement, reader involvement and creative use of promotions, among other things. Social Media Examiner’s blog post shows sample pages from all ten winners and specifies exactly what the judges liked. My personal favorites were these: (Click on the headline for more…)
Surprising Report on Email List Segmentation
I just read an interesting research report on email list segmentation published by email service provider MailChimp. They reviewed responses from 1,998 of clients who segment their email lists, and compared the results to non-segmented campaigns. In addition to overall results, MailChimp looked at the data several other ways: (Click on the headline for more…)
Interesting Trends in Garden Product Sales
The August issue of Garden Center magazine includes a fascinating analysis by Ian Baldwin of the recent National Gardening Survey published by the National Gardening Association, highlighting a variety of industry trends and opportunities. One observation I found especially interesting involved where people buy their gardening products. From 2005 to 2010, an average of 4.2% […]