Social Media Examiner’s Social Media Marketing Industry Report is always interesting, and sometimes surprising. The annual report surveys social media marketers on their use of, results from and plans for social media marketing. Here’s what I found to be the biggest surprises from the recently published 2013 report:
1) YouTube Tops In Increased Use. The channel poised for the biggest increase wasn’t any of the new kids on the block, but rather the well-established YouTube. With 69% of marketers planning to expand their use of the video sharing channel, it topped the charts for future increases.
2) Podcasting About to Take a Big Leap. While only 5% of marketers are currently doing any podcasting, 24% have plans to start or increase their podcasting this year. The report speculates that this surge is being fueled by the growing number of smartphones and Apple’s introduction of a dedicated podcasting mobile app.
3) Blogging Stronger Than You Might Expect. While blogging doesn’t get the press that Facebook does, it’s a steady performer for a lot of companies. 58% of marketers surveyed are already blogging, and 66% plan to increase their use of it. I believe blogs often get overlooked because they appear to be “just another website,” but they can be highly effective in generating qualified traffic and educating customers.
Also interesting was the fact that only 37% of those surveyed felt their Facebook marketing is effective. I see a lot of misguided efforts and unclear goals among companies using Facebook, so this finding didn’t particularly surprise me … but was interesting nonetheless.
Here’s the link to download the complete 2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report.