Do you know which website reached 10 million unique visitors faster than any other in history? It’s not Facebook, YouTube or Twitter, but rather a recent upstart: Pinterest. Launched in late 2010, Pinterest jumped from 1.6 million visitors in September 2011 to 11.1 million in February 2012, and the growth shows no signs of stopping.
If you’re not familiar with Pinterest, it’s a visual social sharing site. Pinterest users “pin” photos of things they like, grouped by theme, and share them with friends who follow them on Pinterest.
Not surprisingly, Pinterest generates a huge amount of referral traffic. Merchants are now creating their own Pinterest boards to foster more engagement with their brands.
There’s a lot to learn about this new vehicle, but the explosive growth, the visual medium, and the fact that much products comprise much of the content makes Pinterest ideal for marketing gardening merchandise. Check out the gardening category on Pinterest, search for some companies you know, and start learning more about this new kid on the block. It’s sure to have a huge influence on shopping in the months and years to come.