Our last post talked about the how’s and why’s of obtaining and using customer-generated photos. But why stop there?
For a superb example of one company’s use of customer-generated content, have a look at the Backcountry.com website. Below each product description is a “Product Wall” with 4 choices: Reviews, Questions, Photos, and Videos. That’s followed by the call to action: Talk shop with all the gear freaks out there: ask ‘em questions, upload/browse photos, and give your 2 cents.
The resulting posts serve to build community, reduce customer service questions, and generate some powerful testimonials.
The rest of Backcountry.com’s product pages are worth noting, too. The clear, concise way they present an extraordinary amount of information – including product detail views, testimonials, product specs, cross-sell opportunities, guarantee, offers, and more – is positively elegant.