When people sign up for your email list, what happens next? Do they get a perfunctory “Thank you for subscribing” and then nothing until your next scheduled email – which might be a month away?
It’s important to get new subscribers used to hearing from you, and start sending them helpful information right from the get-go. Autoresponders, which allow you to send a preprogrammed series of emails to new subscribers at specified intervals, make it easy to cement email marketing relationships. Some of the ways you can use an autoresponder program include:
• Sending special offers to new subscribers
• Linking to a free white paper with useful information
• Inviting people to subscribe to your blog
• Sending past newsletter issues
• Highlighting helpful sections of your website, such as videos or product reviews
• Introducing your top-selling products
• Reinforcing your top-notch customer service
Make sure your new subscriber hears from you several times during the first few weeks after they join your list. Offer them content that benefits them, and they’ll reward you with higher open rates over time.